Parenting Children Who Worry : A Seminar for parents
drummond street services Geelong is excited to be coming down to the Surf Coast in March. We will be running one of our most popular seminars Parenting Children Who Worry.
Worry is a normal emotion but too much can impact your children’s sleep, schooling, peer and family relationships. Finding good strategies to manage your own anxieties and teaching kids to recognise and understand emotions will help in many aspects of school and family life.
One parent who attended the course said “I was able to take home and use so much from this and doing so has made a huge difference to our family. I believe this course is valuable to all parents, not just those with kids that worry, and I learnt so much to help all of my kids’ emotional wellbeing.”
The seminar will be held at Bellbrae Primary School, 50 School Rd Bellbrae on:
- Seminar: Wednesday 13th March 2019, 1.30 – 3.30 pm
- Cost $10 per person or free with a HCC. Free for parents at Bellbrae School
- Bookings: Please book online at our website under Parenting groups or direct at the school
If cost is an issue, please contact us and fee can be waived.
Contact for media: Frances McAloon Drummond St Services 9663 6733