Our work with Carers
Our staff are committed to the health and wellbeing of carers and family members. We have a clear service policy which outlines practices which follow the guidance of the Carer Recognition Act (2012). We also acknowledge the Commonwealth Carer Recognition Act (2010). Similarly to Victoria’s Act it aims to increase recognition and awareness of those people who provide daily care and support to people with disability, chronic medical conditions, mental illness or who have an age related condition. Further information on the Commonwealth Carer Recognition Act 2010 and the guidelines can be found here.
We have also developed a discussion paper with our recommendations to Government regarding carers found here.
drummond street encourage the participation of carer and representatives on our service, program and project advisory groups. So keep an eye out on our social media and newsletters for these opportunities.
Other ways we support carers are through:
- Providing carer support through counselling services, groups and programs
- Collaborative policy and advocacy with carer peak bodies
- Collaborative policy and advocacy with the carer peer and lived experience workforce
- Policy and advocacy to government on issues which impact families and carers that use our services