Men’s Health Week 11th – 17th June
We’ve got this New job for you mate,
We’re still working on the job description, HR says we need to get it down to a 3 pager, but it’s blown out to a 50 page plus??? You have to keep doing your current job, but the other one is starting soon, could be sooner than we think. The only thing is, it’s fulltime, I mean full full time, you need to be on call 24/7.
Job – New Dad!
Conversations around Men’s Health can start with; What’s it like for men transitioning to becoming a New Dad. We know its super tough for Mums and Women…. so what’s it like for the fellas?
Here are some tips and resources for us all (an extract from The Dad Project published by the NSPCC – All babies Count In Britain):
Our top ten tips for anyone working with parents before and after a baby is born:
- Think of dads as service users in their own right, not only as mums’ supporters. Know, record and use dads’ names.
- Learn about the research around the psychological and social elements of both mums’ and dads’ experiences of pregnancy and new parenthood. Educate yourself about the challenges they can face.
- Ensure your communications, workspaces and materials communicate that dads are equally valuable and welcome.
- Reflect on and challenge your own assumptions and stereotypes about fathers. Seek feedback from dads about their experience of your service.
- Help mums and dads to understand each other’s experiences of pregnancy and new parenthood. Show them concrete ways in which they can help each other.
- Teach mums and dads about babies’ early cues and encourage them to watch and interact with their baby.
- Talk to mums and dads about the challenges of new parenthood so they know what to expect. In every contact, ask both parents how they are doing, and listen and respond respectfully to their answers.
- Teach mums and dads how to care for a baby (for example bathing and nappy changing). Specifically encourage and acknowledge dads’ involvement in caring for their baby when speaking to the family.
- Utilise scans as an opportunity to help both parents to engage in the pregnancy and get to know their baby. Ensure dads are explicitly invited to the scan and acknowledged when they are there.
drummond street services has a great pilot program running at the moment with Murdoch Children’s Research Institute and Merri Health. It supports New Dads and Mums during this huge life stage transition period!
This program from Penn State University, facilitates safe conversations and coaching for New Mums and New Dads. It’s called Family Foundations and is a great 10 session program available to couples before and after baby arrives. Check it out!
Enjoy International Fathers Men’s Health Day!
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