Future-proofing Safety
Drummond Street Services’ Centre for Family Research and Evaluation, in partnership with RMIT University’s Centre for Innovative Justice and the Australian Institute of Family Studies, has recently commenced Future-proofing Safety, a major new research project examining how family violence in Victoria has changed since the COVID-19 pandemic began.
The research will span the breadth of Victoria’s whole community services system to understand how services have responded to family violence during COVID-19.
The project is looking at how services adapted, what gaps and weaknesses were surfaced, and how services responded to the crisis. It will also look forward by providing tangible recommendations on how to future-proof Victoria’s responses to family violence during crises like COVID-19.
You can find out more about the project at cfre.org.au/future-proofing-safety or email cfre@ds.org.au about how you can be involved as a peak, organisation or practitioner.
Future-proofing Safety began in August 2021 and is funded by Family Safety Victoria.
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