Six months ago, political leaders decided to hold a postal survey asking all of Australia to vote on the marital rights of some of us. This thrust LGBTIQA+ people into the spotlight, and our communities, whilst trying to protect ourselves from the ‘debate’, also suffered fractures within.
We’re still working on the job description, HR says we need to get it down to a 3 pager, but it’s blown out to a 50 page plus??? You have to keep doing your current job, but the other one is starting soon, could be sooner than we think. The only thing is, it’s fulltime, I mean full full time, you need to be on call 24/7. Job – New Dad!
The full list of refugee week events in the Geelong region.
Step and blended families are the fastest growing family type with 1 in 4 families now spending some time in a step or blended family. This Mother’s Day will be a very different experience for the 40,000+ women around the country who are step mums involved in raising other people’s children and make extraordinary sacrifices every day in doing so.
queerspace and queerspace youth held our first Transgender Day of Visibility celebration on Thursday the 29th March. Transgender day of visibility is a day to get together and show support for trans and gender diverse communities. To celebrate our accomplishments and continue to fight cissexism.
Are you interested in learning simple strategies and skills for strengthening your relationship? We’re offering a fun two hour session of Relationship and Family wellbeing.
Becoming a parent is one of the most significant life changes you will experience. You need to prepare your life and your home for this monumental occurrence, and you may not know where to begin. Modifying your home is a must for any parent-to-be, but it is even more critical if you live with a disability.
As of March 1st, we are now at 337 Ryrie St Geelong, co-located with other health and allied support services. Our skilled and experienced family therapist, social worker and counselor see families in their homes, classroom, in the community and at the Ryrie Street premises. Our support services are free and voluntary.
This session will provide parents/carers an opportunity to explore essential information and skills needed to deepen their understanding of the impact and strategies to support LGBTIQ young people.
January 26th means different things to different people. For some, it is a day to celebrate the anniversary of the British’s arrival to the continent. For many First Nation Peoples (and others) it is acknowledged as a Day of Mourning or Invasion or Survival Day.
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