Committed to Excellence.

We are committed to contributing to the knowledge base of the family services industry. We undertake research to understand what works in service delivery and share that information to inform practice development, social commentary, policy development and the evidence base of the sector.

We invest in workforce development by providing supportive and engaging opportunities for students to share in this learning, while building a strong foundation of experience towards their future endeavours.

Our Student Practice & Research Program welcomes applications for placement from students studying towards relevant qualifications. We accept applications for:

  1. drummond street services Project Placement
  2. CFRE Research Placement
  3. queerspace student placement

drummond street services Project Placement

A Project Placements at drummond street focuses on the development of the student as a practitioner working with communities, families and young people across the public health spectrum of interventions. Applications for Project Placements will be assessed on the student’s capacity, placement timelines and current work plan to ensure all projects are relevant, timely and in response to community need.

CFRE Research Placement

Located within drummond street services, the Centre for Family Research and Evaluation (CFRE) works with other service delivery agencies and policy makers to use evidence, empower communities and improve services and programs.

Research-related student placements consist of a variety of tasks to assist the team, including:

  • Conducting desktop research (e.g. scoping reviews, rapid evidence assessments) that can be used to inform policy and the knowledge base for practice;
  • Assisting the team with analysing and presenting research findings;
  • Designing data collection strategies (including developing surveys and selecting appropriate outcomes measures);
  • Data administration and management (including appropriate handling of collected data that complies with privacy and ethical guidelines);
  • Developing appropriate evaluation plans for projects concerning family, relationship and adolescent focused services and programs. This research is focused on developing skills, methods and protocols for evaluation purposes that can have relevance to other services and agencies.

We welcome student applicants from a range of disciplines.  It is not essential to have prior experience in research, but we would hope that you have enthusiasm for and understanding of the value of research and evaluation in the context of family services.

You can read more about student placements with CFRE by visiting our webpage (

queerspace student placement

queerspace is an LGBTIQ+ health and wellbeing support service with a focus on relationships, families, parenting and young people. Please complete the form below if you are interested in a placement position.

Student Placement Application Form

drummond street services loves to host work experience and student placements. These positions are highly sought after and we try to accommodate as many as we can (however there is a limit!)
We see this as a great opportunity to provide people with positive experiences that enable them to navigate employment and career pathways, but also to help us out whereby our not-for-profit could use some extra expertise!
All applications are reviewed with consideration of current opportunities, our capacity and your supervision requirements. Your completed form will be held securely and confidentially.
If we have capacity to accept this placement, we will contact you for an interview. If we don’t have capacity, we won’t contact you but will hold your application for 12 months in case a future opportunity arises.

Requirements of all students over 18

drummond street services is committed to Child Safety. All short-listed candidates (aged 18 years and over) are subject to child safety screening and assessment against the Child Safety Standards as part of our selection process. This includes having a valid Working with Children Check and completing a criminal history check.

To apply for a Working With Children Check, please click here.

Unfortunately, due to the nature of drummond street services work, we are not able to accommodate any work experience placements.

If you have any queries when completing this application form, please phone (03) 9663 6733 or email

A copy of your current CV will be required to be submitted with this application.

    Personal details

    Full Name: *

    Preferred Name: *

    Preferred pronoun: *

    Email: *

    Address (Residential): *

    Phone: *

    Mobile: *

    Cultural Background (optional – you may choose not to answer these questions regarding cultural background)

    As part of our commitment to building the communities we work in, we prioritise those who are of the following cultural backgrounds. Please tick all that apply:

    Diverse cultural, ‘racial’, ethnic and religious backgrounds?

    Refugee and humanitarian entrant backgrounds?

    Identify as LGBTQI+?

    Do you speak a language other than English? *

    Educational Institution Details

    Institution/VET Provider Name: *

    Campus: *

    Course level (example Bachelor/Certificate IV): *

    Course name: *

    Major areas of study (if applicable):

    Fieldwork placement unit code and name (if applicable):

    Length of course: *

    Placement Details

    Placement hours required (e.g. 4 days per week for six weeks): *

    Preferred placement days: *

    Preferred placement start date: *

    Placement type: *

    Are you required to complete an assessment/project as part of your placement: *

    Do you require a specifically qualified supervisor for your placement? *

    Please specify the number of hours of supervision required for your placement: *

    Preferred Program area: (Choose all that apply. Please see the website for locations): *

    What has motivated you to get in touch with drummond street services? *

    How did you find out about doing a placement with drummond street services (select all that apply) *

    Placement experience:

    In 500 words or less please attach a cover letter outlining what you require from your placement,
    the work that you would like to be involved in and any previous experience relevant to your
    field/course: *

    Upload Your CV (pdf/doc/docx format): *
